How to Get Easy Kills in Tilted Towers

Fortnite Season 3 introduced a bunch of new locations to the Fortnite map, including Haunted Hills and Shifty Shafts, but since the update, the map flow has been out of whack. Too many players are landing at locations like Tilted Towers, which makes the mid-game dull, since over half the lobby is always dead by the time the first circle comes in.

On the other hand, if you're hunting for kills and you want to be in and amongst the action all game, this guide is for you. Landing is obviously important, but where you rotate to and visit afterwards matters a lot.

Hover over the map to reveal the prime spots, and get some tips on surviving and thriving in them below.

1. Tilted Towers

Tilted Towers

Tilted Towers

It's the obvious choice, so we'll explain it first. Everyone and their auntie lands at Tilted Towers on a regular basis, because, let's face it, it's the most interestingly designed location on the map, with the tightly packed buildings and amount of verticality. That means there's a lot of loot and chests packed in, and someone has to get them all, right?

Landing at Tilted Towers will almost always guarantee players to your left, right, above you and below you. The early game is the craziest you'll find anywhere on the map, but the important thing is to make sure you land on a weapon. There's nothing worse than being the first to fly in, but dropping on top of a building that only has a medkit and some materials laying around.

Once you've grabbed a gun – ideally a shotgun – you're going to want to crank your headphones up and listen for footsteps and gunshots. Build up the outside of buildings, shoot people through windows, and use the complex structures to your advantage. After the early game, stick around for a while. It's located very centrally, and players that landed toward the outside of the map will always push through Tilted in an attempt to escape the storm.

2. Retail Row

Retail Row

Retail Row

Retail Row is the original Tilted Towers. By that we mean before Tilted was introduced to the game, Retail Row was where everyone would head for the early game action. Compared to Tilted now, it's not as much of a hotspot, but in each game you'll likely find a healthy number of players that drop there, especially if the battle bus flew nearby.

Retail has two distinct sides: shops and houses. The houses tend to have slightly more loot, because each house can have two chests, but the shops are easier to clear out because of the simple layout. Make sure you're landing at the end of the shops or the houses, as you don't want to be pinched in the middle.

After Retail is cleared, there's one direction to head if you want kills, and that's west. If you've picked up a sniper, heading to Dusty Divot would work in your favour because you can pick players off both in and across the crater. If not, head to Salty Springs. It's a high traffic location for players coming from Lucky Landing/Fatal Fields, along with anyone from the south-western side of the map if it's an eastern circle.

3. Complex Containers

Find these containers between Retail Row and Tomato Town

Find these containers between Retail Row and Tomato Town

Complex Containers is the name I've given to the container yard between Retail Row and Tomato Town.

It's the only unnamed location on this list, as unnamed areas don't tend to attract many players at the start of each game, but the great thing about Complex Containers is how high traffic it is, and the amount of loot here in a solo game is more than enough.

The name is apt because it can seem confusing at first, but once you've landed there a few times and learned the chest locations, it's a simple place to loot and fight. Unless you're given a far north-eastern safe zone, players that land at Lonely Lodge and Wailing Woods will almost certainly pass through or nearby on their journey to escape the storm.

In terms of your rotations, the vast majority of players will be passing by Dusty Divot. Heading over to Dusty will almost guarantee an engagement as other survivors make their way to the safe zone, whether it's on the east or west side of the map. From there, as long as you're making your way to the centre of each circle and following the sound of gunshots, you're looking at some very high kill games.

4. Salty Springs

Salty Springs

Salty Springs

For its size and the amount of loot, Salty Springs is a surprisingly popular location to land in. A lot of deaths will happen here because you can't find a gun quick enough or you land on something unsuitable for close quarters combat, but when you do get that shotgun and shield early on, you're in prime position to have a game full of fights.

Five houses make up Salty Springs, and as such, there's often three or four teams that land there in duos and squads. It's important not to get caught in crossfire between two groups already duking it out at the start of the game. Move smart, keep behind cover, and pick your fights when you're in a good position rather than barrelling in and risking going down where your allies can't revive you.

In the mid-game, Salty often receives more foot traffic than Tilted Towers. Players don't try to avoid it because it doesn't have as poor of a reputation, and it's the central location for players pushing up from anywhere in the south, or down from Dusty Divot, Loot Lake and Anarchy Acres. At almost any point in the game you're guaranteed to be close to the action if you're by Salty.

5. Pleasant Park

Pleasant Park

Pleasant Park

Pleasant Park, Retail Row and Greasy Grove are the original three major locations on the Fortnite island, and Pleasant Park is the most open. It's also the biggest and attracts a lot of players at the start of each game. One of the best aspects about Pleasant Park is the fact that you can very quickly see where people have landed and which buildings have already been looted by glancing across the centre.

Succeeding at Pleasant Park largely depends on those sight lines, making sure you're not sprinting towards a building that already has players inside. In terms of looting, the buildings in the north-west corner usually have the best loot, while the opposite side has just the open, modern-looking house.

Pleasant Park tends to be a hotspot for most of the game, as players push down from Junk Junction, Haunted Hills and the football stadium. If the safe zone ends up circling in on that area, Pleasant Park is the one place almost everyone will pass through, from Tilted Towers, Loot Lake, Shifty Shafts and beyond. If you need to rotate out though, Loot Lake is the prime location to search for kills, especially with a sniper as you can pick players off from the shoreline.

How to survive and get kills

Every circle is slightly unique, so there's no overall route that works for every match. The locations here will almost certainly be populated by a lot of players at the start of every game, so think smart and consider where players will have moved to afterwards. Remember the initial path of the battle bus, as that plays a huge part in where players land.

Getting a lot of kills in a game relies on surviving, so you don't want to put yourself in sticky situations where the odds are stacked against you. Search for the fights, but aim to keep yourself with your back to the storm. That way, the angles you can be shot from are essentially halved.

Most of all, just play smart. Winning games of Fortnite and getting kills needs an accumulation of everything mentioned here, and also knowing when to hide, when to fight, and when to loot. Over time and with plenty of practice, you'll learn the tendencies of most Fortnite players and intercepting opponents and predicting where they'll be becomes second nature. Keep at it, and eventually every game you play will be a 10+ kill display of skill.

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